- July 24, 2012

Futuro Digital Chile

Speaker: Rodrigo Daie, Country Manager Chile, Comscore Inc.

This annual study addresses an overview of the global web, making a thorough analysis of the Chilean market and audience. Chile Country Manager Rodrigo Daie examines how the prevailing trends in social networking, online video, mobile, and searches are defining the current market and how they will shape the next year. The Chilean online population reached 7.5 million unique visitors in May 2012 and consumed an average of 24 minutes per month per person.

Other key findings included in the report:

  • Chilean consumed on average 8.8 hours per visitor per month on social networks
  • 86% of web users visit gaming sites Chile
  • 91% of the Chilean internet audience watch videos online
  • 1 in 4 visits to Retail web sites are made in Department Stores sites

This presentation showcases insights from Comscore MMX and qSearch.

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