- May 8, 2020

Coffee with Comscore: COVID-19 and its impact on Digital Media Consumption in India

Neha Singh
Neha Singh
Director – Sales

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread around the globe, consumers everywhere are making significant changes to the way they interact with content and advertising across platforms. Consumers have had to change their lifestyles significantly as social distancing, working from home, closed schools and canceled travel/events disrupt daily routines.

In this Coffee with Comscore webinar, we shared industry-specific insights on rapidly shifting media consumption trends across the digital landscape in India and offered perspective to help agencies and advertisers strategically reach their target consumers in an evolving media ecosystem.

This webinar looked at:

  • Shifting consumption trends across the digital landscape
  • Behavioural changes in news consumption
  • The impact of the pandemic on other common categories online
  • And much more…

To learn more about how Comscore can help you continue to reach consumers in a shifting media environment, click here

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