Comscore Campaign Ratings Validates Delivery Across All Screens Against Audience Cohorts Beyond Traditional Demographics

Matthew Wiesemann
Matthew Wiesemann
Senior Manager, Marketing
A multi-national pharmaceutical company leveraged CCR’s publisher-level extended demographics reporting to more precisely target their campaigns to relevant audience segments.

Extended demographics provide a more detailed understanding of the audience, allowing advertisers to target their campaigns more precisely. By segmenting the audience based on factors like income, race/ethnicity, and presence of children, clients can understand where they are most effectively reaching core audiences to increase ROI. Are you interested to learn more about how CCR can provide insights to maximize the impact of your cross-platform ad campaigns?

The Scenario

A multi-national pharmaceutical client seeks to identify the channels most effective at reaching high-income households.

The Solution

Number 1

Step 1

Implement CCR using Comscore’s easy-to-append digital tag to capture valuable Reach, Frequency, and Unique Audience metrics across both standard age and gender and extended demographic audiences.

Number 2

Step 2

Measure the complete campaign flight to strategically analyze partner-level reach to key audience segments.

Number 3

Step 3

Optimize audience targeting strategies and curate the portfolio of publisher partners to ensure that campaign impressions are served to key audience segments.

The Results

The client was able to identify specific publisher partners that reached high-income households most effectively and adjusted the campaign buy to optimize in-target exposure.

  • More than 63% of campaign impressions served were exposed to households with an income of $75k or more.
  • A financial news publisher and a programmatic partner specializing in niche markets both achieved a 7%+ higher reach to high-income households than other linear and digital partners.

The client was able to identify specific publisher partners that reached key extended audience segments and increased spend on those networks for an upcoming flight to optimize target reach.

Extended Demographic Reporting
Source: Comscore Campaign Ratings – National – Blinded Client Study Q3-Q4’23