Consumers set up a blockbuster holiday season at the Box Office
Technology Sites Have Highest Reach Amongst 55+ Year Olds in Europe
Males More Likely to Visit Personals Sites in the U.S.
US Smartphone Owners by Age
In April, nearly half (48.7%) of smartphone owners in the U.S. were between the ages of 25 and 44, with those in the 25-34 year old demographic making up the largest segment of the smartphone populati...
YoY Change in HH Income Demographic to Online Trading Sites in US
Average Hours spent on Social Networking Sites per Visitor across Europe
Political News Site Visitors by U.S. Region
In the month before midterm elections, the U.S. Mountain region (AZ, CO, ID, MT, NV, NM, UT, WY), South Atlantic region (DE, DC, FL, GA, MD, NC, SC, VA, WV) and New England region (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI,...
Age Demographic Breakdown of U.S. Mobile Subscribers vs. Smartphone Subscri...
Age Demographics of U.S. Webmail Visitors
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U.S. Smartphone Penetration by Age
Comscore Data Passport - Second Half 2010
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The Struggles of the Middle Class
Women on the Web: How Women are Shaping the Internet
Chatroulette Takes the College Crowd by Storm
The Comscore Data Passport - First Half 2010
The Comscore Data Passport - Second Half 2009
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