2025 State of Programmatic Report
LinkedIn Assumes #2 Spot among U.S. Social Networking Sites
U.S. Map App Audience Doubles
Attributing Brand Advertising Effectiveness
Traditional methods of attributing the effects of digital advertising, such as last-click (commonly used to measure the impact of direct response advertising) and last exposure (commonly used to measu...
Last Exposure's Last Breath? Smart Lift Attribution Model Gives Ads The Bra...
As Power Shifts to Consumers, Get Ready for a Renaissance in Advertising
Staying Ahead of Invalid Traffic in Digital Audience Measurement
Since the dawn of the Internet, spam has been one of the most prevalent issues plaguing legitimate digital businesses. This persistent pest exists in a variety of very familiar forms, such as email, l...
Top Smartphone OEMs in the U.S.
Pre-Testing Ad Creative Pays for Itself
Top IM Markets Worldwide
Men and Women Respond Differently To Various Types of Creative Ad Elements
Social SEO – Facebook & Twitter Best Practices
The Mobile Nation in Canada: A First Look
10 Things You Might Not Have Known about Digital Traffic Worldwide
Social SEO: How to Optimize your Social Presence for Search
iPhone and Android Traffic by Connection Type
Infographic: Myspace vs. Facebook
iPad Share of Tablet Traffic by Country
U.S., Singapore, and U.K. Have the Highest Share of Traffic from Non-Comput...