Comscore Digital Psychographic Insights Empowers a Beauty Brand

Ashley Lam
Ashley Lam
Enterprise Client Success Senior Manager
Comscore digital insights help a beauty brand understand their current audience and potential audience with a deep dive into psychographic targets.

The Scenario

A beauty brand wanted to develop a deeper understanding of their current audience and discover more about their potential audience, beyond the standard age and gender demographic targets, in order to optimize ad creative and partnerships.

The Solution

Plan Metrix Multi-Platform provides clients with critical insights into behavioral and attitudinal targets across desktop and mobile. PMX MP provides detailed information about lifestyles, interests, attitudes, demographics and behaviors including Gender Equality Measurement targets created in partnership with the ANA.

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The Ask

A beauty brand wanted to develop a deeper understanding of their target audience, beyond the standard age and gender demographic targets. They wanted a deeper understanding of their current audience as well as how to reach consumers that have not already purchased their products.

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The Solution

Comscore psychographic targets provided a deep dive look at behavioral and attitudinal targets among the beauty brand’s audience. Comscore data looks beyond standard demographic targets to get to the heart of lifestyles, interests, and opinions of and audience.

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Key Takeaways

The beauty brand tapped into Comscore’s PMX psychographic targets to help guide creative to appeal to its current audience base, as well as attract potential customers among beauty purchase intenders.

The Results

The beauty brand developed a deeper psychographic dive of its audience as well as insights that helped guide creative for converting likely customers and appealing to brand partners.

Key Insights

  • Beauty purchase intenders* are 94% more likely to use environmentally-friendly products for home improvement.
  • Beauty purchase intenders* are 42% more likely to care that all women are presented in a manner where they can be seen as a good role model for other people.

Beauty Brand's Audience Profile