- 5 maggio 2009

Are You Leaving ROI on the Table?

Relatore: Evan Neufeld

The signs of a challenging economy can be seen everywhere, even online as shaken consumers spend less money and more time trawling the web for information to help them navigate the current difficult environment. Tough times for consumers always herald tough times for marketers. Now, more than ever, advertisers have to dig deep and go beyond the "good enough" metrics of the past and look to additional avenues to better understand their efforts impact.

With online display ads yielding click-thru rates of less than 0.1 percent, advertisers can no longer rely on click-thru alone to gauge online ad performance. Doing so fails to capture the impact of advertising impressions – or view-thru – on attitude and future behavior, which are essential metrics in assessing the complete return on an investment in online advertising.

In this presentation we share key data from Q1 results from our Brand Metrix norms database, compiled from nearly 300 brand impact studies conducted across a range of industries and online ad campaigns.

In this webinar you will:

  • Learn how Comscore's industry-leading behavioral data combined with powerful survey insights can provide marketers with a comprehensive, multi-dimensional view of an online advertising or marketing campaign's effectiveness.
  • Gain insights into how successful current targeting efforts are and what you can do to improve them.
  • Benchmark you own efforts against industry norms for attitudinal measures such as shifts in brand awareness and attitudes as well as changes in online behaviors like site visitation and searching.
  • Get a better understanding of key trends is consumer deletion of cookies that may be understating the impact of your online campaigns
  • Learn about the often substantial "view-thru" impact you campaigns are having but that you may not be measuring