Misurazione e valutazione delle campagne pubblicitarie su tutte le piattaforme

Prodotti e servizi Comscore Advertising

Market-Level Campaign Measurement

CCR market-level reporting offers advertisers unparalleled depth, empowering them to measure campaign effectiveness on the fly and strategically optimize for maximum impact

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Cross-Platform Measurement Integration Partners

Experience the future of precision measurement and uncover unparalleled market-level insights, brought to you exclusively by The Trade Desk and Comscore

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Misurazioni multi-piattaforma

Comscore Campaign Ratings™* è una soluzione ideata per fornire misurazioni in-flight su campagne video erogate su canali TV, CTV, desktop e mobile.

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Ad and Creative Measurement

Comscore Ad Metrix® provides comprehensive person-level insight into the online advertising landscape, including social, to reveal powerful strategic and competitive intelligence.

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Branded Content Measurement

Comscore Branded Content™ Platform enables always-on monitoring and measurement of in-content branded exposures across multiple platforms.

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