- 4 de febrero, 2010

Online Video Measurement: Canada

Presentador: Dan Piech

What’s new in video measurement and what’s in store for the Canadian marketplace in 2010? During this presentation, Dan Piech shares new innovations in video measurement, as well as some simple insights that will help publishers supercharge their online video business in 2010 and beyond!

As you evaluate and plan out your online video strategy, there are some simple steps you can take with Comscore to ensure that you are completely reported and your video inventory represented exactly as it should be, like:

  • Tagging videos for total audience coverage as well as greater flexibility in reporting (and selling)
  • Ensuring streaming definitions are communicated
  • Setting certain rules for syndication and viral embeds.

The presentation answers such questions as:

  • What is the best way to explain the value of my engaged video audience to the advertising community, and to potential brand advertisers?
  • How can I combine census measurement with panel-based demographic information for full coverage of video viewers on my site or network of sites
  • How can I track video syndication, and what are some ways to simply ensure that I maximize my reach?