Comscore TV Local for Gaming Platform

William Dyer
William Dyer
Senior Success Specialist
Comscore TV local reporting empowers advertisers to identify stations that most reach their video game brand’s target audience

Comscore TV provides data specific to video game enthusiasts.

The Scenario

An agency would like to buy airtime for the gaming platform on television networks with the overall highest propensity to reach the target audience.

The Solution

Comscore TV combines real-world TV viewership information with valuable, advanced HH-level consumer and demo behavior data to provide meaningful transactable metrics.

Number 1

Campaign Setup

Agency defines target audience

Number 2

Campaign Activated

Comscore TV reporting is set-up with the target audience in mind

Number 3

Performance Measured

Reporting reveals which cable networks are most likely to reach the video game enthusiast target audience

The Results

The agency identified Freeform had the overall highest propensity across their programming. As a result, the advertiser can reallocate spend in-flight.

Cable Networks Index