- 2. Dezember 2020

TV Needs an Impression-Based Currency for Pay-Per-Performance

In the latest installment of Comscore’s "Advancing Toward a Common TV Measurement Currency" series, Sinclair’s President of Broadcast and Chief Revenue Officer shares the importance of an impression-based currency for achieve pay-per-performance and the future of ad-supported streaming.

Pay-per-performance is an idea that’s gaining traction among buyers and sellers of media who increasingly talk about a “common currency” that unifies audience metrics for traditional channels like linear television with newer digital platforms. For station owners like Sinclair Broadcast Group, which covers about 40% of U.S. households, a common currency is significant in providing comparisons with its growing digital platforms.

This video is part of Advancing Toward a Common TV Measurement Currency, a Beet.TV leadership series presented by Comscore. For more videos from the series, please visit this page.

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